Cruising down the highway in the hot hot sun how bizarre, left Dallas yesterday no mistakes straight out on the 85 west and decided not go to San Antino as was a 6 hr drive then I would have back track next day so headed to Abilene but only took 2.5 hrs to get there so took a look around the frontier museum hell they were hard men and women in those pioneer days and at the end of the tour you sat on these swivel stools in the middle of the theatre as there was a 360 degrees screen so you had to follow the action all around you . On the bike again in the hot hot sun and about 3 found a wee town called Synder so got a motel only $40.00 with pool got a couple of beers and chilled then into town for a pasta $8.99 for a big chicken creamy pasta in bed by 9.30 oh on the news a gut was shot and killed here 2 nights ago.
I have noticed I am loosing weight as by myself now and not so much beer and food when I was with the rest of the guys also enjoying going at my own pace not in a hurry trying to keep up with every one.been talking jan my understanding wife most days on face time but Wi Fi hopeless some days.
Today I left at 8.30 and arrived in Armarilo about 2.30 traveled 340 km so resting by the pool and tonight going to get the free limo to the big Texan steak house which is vey famous for its large steaks also have a lot of craft beers there ( been trying different brews some good some bad like NZ ) might go to the race track tomorrow also look at some Route 66 stuff like the Cadillac ranch . The ride today was great very flat with mile apon mile of cotton fields as far as you could see then there was a big canyon about 8 to 10 miles wide and you rode down into it and it was like going into a furnace ,was about 42 degrees in leather vest and chaps didn't help but got back up top and there was a nice breeze and more cotton fields .
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