Sunday, 29 July 2012

Roswell - another tick on the bucket list!

Today had the best ride of the trip.  About 260 miles from San Lunis to Roswell.  The ride had everything - long straights where you could wind up to 80/100 mph then nice corners all the way through the mountains, then the long straights again.  The scenery was forever changing.  One minute you had the big deserts then green valleys with small towns then open spaces,.  We got up into the mountains again and then down into dark black lava rock formations followed by green open spaces - absolutely stunning!

Roswell is much bigger than I thought, about the size of Invercargill.  Staying at Days Inn $90.00 a night for the 3 of us.  After unpacking (we have this down pat now same as leaving in the morning) we went to the UFO museum.  This is something I have wanted to do since I was a teenager (can now cross of my list).  After walking around seeing all the pictures/interviews etc there has been a cover up.  The proof is there and you also have to be a bit thick to think that we are the only planet in the universe to be inhabited.

Interesting fact in Roswell you cannot buy beer to take away on Sunday but on the city limits you can (so a 2 mile drive sorted that problem out) and every one has to produce ID even an old bugger like me.

Hope you enjoy these pics. The first one shows that you can give kids camel rides, this was just down the road from motel.  Temp today 28 and tomorrow should be 34.

Forgot to mention after Amboy as you are driving, there is a bank about 3 meters high on the left hand side of the road.  It goes for miles and miles, anyway people stop pick up rocks write their name with these small rocks and leave messages.  I can see it now "Randy stop the car I want to write something on the bank". " Ferk off its 100 degrees out there".  “But Randy it would be so romantic”. "Who the hell can read it, we are traveling at 90 mph, the rocks all look the same, it's a blur and you are a hitchhiker I picked up 20 minutes ago”. 

Another question, why would you call your son Randy?  In NZ if some one calls you Randy you go and take a cold shower.


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