Wednesday, 11 July 2012

12 days to go

As you can see only 12 days till we fly out.  Got the hang of this blog thing but still haven't figured out how to get pictures on it so might have to go and see Steph who set this up for me (still owe her some wine).

Day off work today so got the hair cut (hot over there especially when you are wearing a helmet) then got a massage which was badly needed as have been playing a lot of squash lately and have been told I should go back next week as the old body ain't what it used to be. Then put some money on the master card so am in credit (first time ever) and then sorted out my gear.  Was worried but all sorted now.

Gear - am only taking basics - 4 pr jocks, 4 pr socks, 2 pr jeans, 4 tee shirts, toilet gear, helmet, bike jacket, bike boots,.  If I need anything else will buy there.  Walmart here I come!  From what I understand they are the states version of The Warehouse.

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